Media Registration
MEDIA REGISTRATION NOW OPEN for Waterfront Awards Gala.
The Waterfront Awards welcomes the media to apply for media accreditation.
Number of media pass access: 30 passes
Please note that registration does not guarantee a pass. We will reply back to you with a confirmation. Please follow the process below, which will ensure the credibility of those who will provide coverage. Being a charity event, we have a limited number of media passes. We appreciate your time and interest in The Waterfront Awards.
If you are a blogger/podcast or print/digital media, we require you to either publish interviews with participants, publish content covering our events (ie. a full blog post referencing participants or vlog recap), or a combination of both types of coverage. We would appreciate promotional activity prior to the event.
To be considered, please email Waterfront Media Group at waterfrontmediagroup@gmail.com.
YOU MUST include the following information in your email:
List of full names (First, Last) attending the event:
Business/Blog/Podcast/Publication Name:
Positions of each person:
Type of media (ie. Blogger, Print Media, Podcast, Digital Magazine):
Social Media
Type of media you will be providing for the Waterfront Awards Gala:
In addition to media coverage, will you also provide social media promotion before, during, or after the event?
To be considered, please ensure all the requested information above is provided. Media inquiries and interview requests can be directed to waterfrontmediagroup@gmail.com