Allison Harvey
Award Nomination:
Entrepreneurship and Business
Woman On Fire
Founder of the International Event: WOMAN ON FIRE
Founder of H.O.P.E. Crossing Borders (An Initiative helping Haitian Women & Children)
Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Avid Traveler, Foodie & Intuitive Connector.
Today I am a business consultant for small businesses, my clients come by the way of referrals, I put on WOMAN ON FIRE in 2 cities, Toronto & Atlanta, I also produce the annual WOMAN ON FIRE Entrepreneurial magazine featuring our nominees, business articles and advertisements for small businesses.
I am also a Travel Concierge which connects with my love of travel and run the Ayitian initiative HOPE Crossing Borders.
My next venture is to open a manufacturing company in Ayiti, producing sanitary pads at an affordable cost for the women in Ayiti, which will also provide jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities for them and one day a transitional home for young women who have been turned out of the orphanages or homes where they grew up for most of their young lives. This home will provide them with the tools to become self sufficient in a world that they are ill prepared for and thereby breaking the cycle of poverty and all that comes with it eg unwanted pregnancies, criminal activity, drug use, homelessness and the list goes on.
My super power is the gift of bringing phenomenal people together from all ethnicities and levels of life, my moniker The Networking Diva came about because of my uncanny ability to quickly connect and create rapport with total strangers regardless if its online of offline, speaking with people who I have never met for as much as 4 hours in the first phone call, people regularly say to me after connecting “You make me feel like I have known you for a long time”. They share intimate secrets, fears, hopes and dreams without thinking twice. My business is truly my life, as my door is always open to make a new connection. Now for the fun stuff..
Hailing from the lovely twin island of Trinidad and Tobago, known for its annual Carnival, Steelpan & Limbo, I got my first taste of business when my Mom (God bless her, still alive at 81) refused to buy me rollerskates, dating myself here, but I asked her if I earned the money if I could buy them and she said yes, mind you I had no idea how I was going to do this, lol – so my first business was door to door sales with a catalogue, well needless to say I made way more than I needed to pay for those rollerskates and did that for a few years earning extra money.
As an immigrant coming to Canada many years ago the struggle was real and for many women coming here even now it can be difficult – having a business allows you to meet and connect with a diverse amount of people and helping them to make their way through unchartered waters is a humbling experience. I have met women from throughout the globe, WOMAN ON FIRE has seen so many different ethnicities, from First Nations to the continent of Africa, Ukraine, Poland and the list goes on, we are the same but when you are in a different country it helps to connect with those who understand your passion and supports your endeavors.
Moving to Canada many years ago, I worked for several companies including, American International Group (AIG), Sears Canada, Scotia Bank to name a few, but always managed a side business. I fully transitioned about 5 years ago putting on monthly Networking Events, which led to small business consulting, working with people who have very little money but are passionate about gettingg their business off the ground.
A few years after the earthquake in 2010 devastated Ayiti – the need to give back became a calling and the event WOMAN ON FIRE was born, to Celebrate, Motivate and Elevate female entrepreneurs in the community and thereby raise funds to provide supplies to orphans in Ayiti. Now the drive is to help women and girls in Ayiti to walk with Dignity through Project RAGS 2 PADS. Learn more at www.hopecrossingborders.com
As I create awareness for this jewel, overcome by so many devastations I continually meet people from many different countries who have no clue except for what they see on television and it’s my mission to engage and educate them about this island and a people that has faced so many adversities.
Contact: Allison Harvey aka The Networking Diva – 647-713-0719
Follow us @ www.twitter.com/womanon_fire
Facebook: www.facebook.com/yournetworkingdiva