Amrit Dhaliwal

Award Nomination:

Health, Fitness and Sport








Amrit Dhaliwal is highly-acclaimed as one of the leading female movers and shakers in the health, fitness, and sports world.

With a passion for glamour, she is strong, sophisticated, sexy, and stylish with modeling and fitness roots shining through combining an exotic blend of brilliant business savviness and beauty. Amrit Dhaliwal, acknowledged by the World Beauty Fitness and Fashion Committee in 2009, was awarded her WBFF pro fitness card and certifying her as the first Professional East Indian Fitness Bikini Model in the world. Amrit achieved global success with her 2010 book GLAMFIT SECRETS REVEALED. With numerous fitness magazine appearances, 2012 saw her shatter glass ceilings for women by being showcased in the men's IronMan Magazine with a nine-page feature entitled “Beverly Hills bombshell - Amazing Amrit Dhaliwal Fuses Glamour and Fitness”. This accolade crowned her the first South Asian to grace the magazine in its 76-year history! Her influence in the beauty and health/fitness/sports world is magnified by her list of academic degrees, experience in the medical field, and her work as a certified nutritionist/trainer. In 2021, Ontario, Canada MP Sheref Sabawy awarded Amrit the formal certification "International Achievement in Fitness Modelling". Today, a proud woman of Toronto, Amrit Dhaliwal continues to expand her global reach by sharing her industry influence with countless companies and women around the globe with red carpet vision of cosmopolitan taste through aesthetics and optimal health as CEO of her global company GLAMFIT.


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