Chantel Elloway

Award Nomination:

Community Activism


CEPR - Breathing Life into Your Brand


Public Relations & Digital Communications Professional




Chantel has made a significant difference in her community and the Province of Ontario through volunteering, campaigning and making an outstanding contribution for various organizations and causes.

As the founder and owner of a public relations and digital communications agency, Chantel has always

made sure to add an element of corporate social responsibility to help brands thrive on creating


Chantel previously worked in the Legislative Assembly of B.C. for the Government Caucus of British

Columbia as a communications and legislative aid. It was here, where she gained several years of

valuable media relations, interview and video production experience and was also a political speech

writer. Many of the speeches she has written have been on issues that have promoted social causes that

were important to constituents and challenged the status quo in relation to justice, animal rights, antibullying

in schools, education, building small businesses and enhancing rural communities through

strategic plans. Further to this, on behalf of politicians who served as the Minister of Small Business,

Red-Tape Reduction Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development – she helped create

trending articles in newspapers that helped build unity within communities and across the Province.

Since the age of 13, Chantel has been municipally, provincially and federally involved in politics where

she has chaired youth groups and in 2017, she even helped proclaim, “Europe Day” in the Province of

Ontario at Queen’s Park.

Further to this, Chantel Elloway has a degree in public relations, digital marketing and business &

commerce. She also has an educational background in dental hygiene and real estate. As a life-long

learner, her depth of knowledge and experience in various industries has helped shape many nonprofits.

One of the causes closest to her heart is helping Abused Women and Children. Since 2015,

Chantel has met with, collaborated with and helped facilitate women’s shelters with Gifts-In-Kind and is

the Co-Founder of Shelter Hub – a network of donors and women empowering women through an

online Hub that facilitates donations to Abused Women and Children’s Shelters across Ontario. Further

to this, she has used her dental hygiene knowledge to educate homeless and abused women who are in

shelters on optimal oral hygiene and dental techniques and has donated various dental products to

these shelters through community partners.

Her experiences in many sectors has helped communities thrive in Ontario by building strategic

partnership integration, business development, investor relations and global impact relations across the

globe as an international publicist where she has advocated with those linked to the United Nations, the

NATO Association of Canada , the Canadian Armed Forces and UNICEF.

When she is not traveling around globe promoting the Toronto community, she is a strong believer in

empowering women and offers public speaking engagements to inspire young professionals and

entrepreneurs alike. Additionally, she has been an advocate for Breast Cancer Awareness campaigns,

the Canadian Liver Foundation, Sick Kids and the Heart and Stroke Foundation. In her roles she has

helped create public service announcements, cause awareness campaigns and has even worked with

former celebrity chefs from the White House to build awareness through celebrity-chef cook offs to help

raise money for foundations.


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