Esther Kim
Award Nomination:
Works for IBM Corporation separate from the personal philanthropic missions for Luxor Egyptian Orphanages
Global Blockchain Financial Services Leader (IBM). Philanthropist & Patron (Luxor Egyptian Orphanages)
Esther Kim is an influential leader in the area of Blockchain Innovation for a Fortune 500 firm. This nomination highlights Esther’s leadership qualities, strength and passion for education through philanthropic work in Egypt. Charitable work has been a childhood vision that continuously preoccupied her thoughts. She embarked on a journey with a handful of volunteers to paint an orphanage in Egypt (October 2010). Why Egypt? Post the Egyptian revolution and coup of January 2011, the majority of patrons never returned. Her mantra, “if not me ... then who?” motivates her to venture often alone (due to a lack of volunteers who deem the region dangerous) in her bi-annual mission runs to Egypt. Currently, she is responsible for necessities such as food, clothes, shelter, and educational opportunities to over 120 children and their extended family members in the Luxor region of Egypt. Funding towards food, clothing, private education, English lessons and disability facilities fuel the engine behind the growth and developmental focus for children at risk between the ages of 8 to 27. Both Coptic and Muslim orphanages alongside a disability orphanage have all benefited throughout the years from predominantly Canadian but also American, European, Australian donors that continue to invest in this mission for change in Egypt. Teaching the children and young adults “to fish” is Esther’s goal. This is her calling now. Esther would like to extend her grateful thanks to the executive team and staff of The Hilton Luxor, The Toronto Ritz Carlton, and The Toronto Shangri-La hotels for teaming to win through subsidies and fundraiser events.
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