Lannette Jamieson

Award Nomination:

Outstanding Innovator


The Seed Movement






Lannette Jamieson's multi-faceted life reflects her dedication to beauty and expression from the inside

out. Following her early career as a high performance gymnast and dancer, Lannette continued as a

fashion designer and business woman only to have to unlearn everything she had learned on her

journey to understanding and believing in more. Lannette's latest adventure is nothing short of epic.

She is gathering a cadre of remarkable talent from around the world to participate in "The Seed" a film

that shows these souls, who came here to assist her all find her in magical ways and by divine


The story shows how her near death changed her life forever and it reminds all of us that we are all

kindred souls seeking unity, love and peace. As a mother, athlete and visionary, Lannette describes

herself as "Only Love" letting go of all titles and accomplishments. Beautifully shown in the film how we

can heal our pasts and lift our souls to elevate into our limitless-ness. It is the best thing we can choose

at this time. Let us join Lannette now as we continue to inspire one another sharing first in her

hometown in Toronto, Ontario Canada and then around the world.


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