Mary Jane Mendes

Award Nomination:

Arts and Culture




Photographer, Educator and Author




Mary Jane Mendes, is a professional photographer, educator and newly published co-author of Simply...Woman, with Crystal Andrus Morrisette, international bestselling author featured on Her first several careers embarked her in trailblazing in several male dominated professions as an electrical engineer technologist, where she worked and lived in the USA, Western Canada and Australia; including being the first female chauffeur for the Provincial government driving the Honourable Ministers, Premiere and Lieutenant Governor. An award winning photographer whose captivating images have been exhibited locally and international. Mary Jane was the only official photographer for The Power of Women Conference, featuring Mary Tyler Moore, Gloria Steinem, Carol Burnett and the late Prime Minister of India, Benazir Bhutto in Toronto and Ottawa, a grand honour and a truly exciting event. Other clients include Hockey Hall of Fame, Canadian Football League, IBM, local celebrities and other major coperations.

As a Visual Arts and Communications Technology educator, she is an influential role model and inspires her students with her positive attitude, creative ideas, guidance and empowerment. As an educator for over 15 years, she has mentored and coached many students to win awards, including three YMCA Peace Awards, Be a Hero, Be A Voice for Affordable Housing Arts awards (over 50), Halton & Ontario Skills Competitions for photography and video production plus many curling championship awards. She actively volunteers her time and photography services in her community supporting the arts, music and many charities.


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