Mona Walrond

Award Nomination:

Community Activism




Retired Vice Principal




Mona Walrond is a Community Leader - recipient of AfroGlobal Television Network Lifetime Achievement Award of Excellence (Educator and Change Agent) 2016; Peel Cultural Partners 2017 Black History Month Recognition Award for significant contributions to the community; Award of Distinction, Balmoral Drive Senior Public School; Award of Excellence, Peel District School Board (2003) for outstanding service to public education; the Author, Kids Can Vote Canada- a teacher Resource (for the Learning Partnership, Toronto.

Mona’s experiences have spanned the fields of health and education: Public Health Nurse and Education Consultant (City of Toronto), Faculty Advisor/Clinical Instructor – Ryerson; Co-pioneer and Facilitator, anti-violence programs for the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario, for which she was honoured at the Ontario Provincial Legislature (2002). She is a Playwright (Culture Counts which was federally funded and staged in Ontario).

She is a graduate of Queen’s University, University of Ottawa, and York University; Member, Ontario College of Teachers, College of Nurses of Ontario; a Retired Vice-Principal (Associate Member, Ontario Principals Council).

Mona works closely with educators to address high failure rates among the youth; educates parents to be active partners-in-education; speaks at Conferences – empowering communities to see beyond barriers. In British Columbia she implemented programs to build positive self-esteem in elementary (including indigenous) students. Mona initiated a Computer Skills program and co-instructs learners at her Church. She is a member of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers.


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