Nawres Fouad
Award Nomination:
Community Activism
Production Eng. EIT/QA
Nawres is a community activism with a degree in Materials Engineering. Currently did the PPE as a part of Professional Engineering requirements. Also, she received many degrees in Quality Assurance, Management, Designing and Auditing. She's an executive member of (CNIEA) Canadian Network of Iraqi Engineers and Architects since 2010 and has been appointed to the board of directors in 2016 to build up bridges with other professional communities and associations. She works really hard to assist new comers to enroll into the Canadian market through arranging events, activities and workshops. She volunteers as an EIR (Engineer In Residence) program to inspire the next generation of engineers by giving presentations to students about how cool to be an engineer and how to keep a positive impact on everything around us. As a woman in politics, Nawres plays an active role of supporting and empowering women. In 2017, Nawres has been appointed as a Vice Chair of NWLC(O) National Women's Commission of Liberal party of Ontario.