Nicole Crellin
Award Nomination:
Community Activism
United for Human Rights/Youth for Human Rights
Nicole Crellin was born in Alexandria, Ontario. She has been married for 43 years and is the proud mother of two children.
Nicole graduated from the University of Ottawa with a Bachelor of Arts in Education to teach French and visual arts and has been teaching for over 30 years.
In 1975, Nicole became the Director of Citizens Commission on Human Rights Québec. She is now the Canadian Director for United for Human Rights and its youth component, Youth for
Human Rights, a non-profit organization with the purpose of
promoting the importance of knowing one’s 30 human rights as
contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
and inspiring youth to become advocates for peace.
For the last 17 years, Nicole has organized Human Rights Day
Celebrations, uniting community leaders, educators, police
officers, politicians, artists, businesspeople, youth and the public
to enlighten them about their human rights and inspire them to get
involved with human rights education. Nicole has participated for
many years in annual events of Youth Day Global’s festivals, the
York Regional Police’s International Day for the Elimination of
Racial Discrimination, Moksha Canada’s Diversity Festivals and
recently with the Canadian Community Services Organization’s
community events.
She has educated thousands of youth about their rights through
various lectures, on radio, in TV interviews and in many
community newspapers.
Nicole has obtained over 7,000 petition signatures requesting the
government to implement mandatory human rights education.
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