Puja Amin
Award Nomination:
Arts and Culture
Sanskriti Arts
My love for art and the beauty of colours around me has called to me all my life. Deeply influenced by my artistic father, I took to painting at a very early age. As a child, I was immersed in the world of paints and perfected my skills with varied courses. Art to me is spiritual as it gives me an opportunity to explore the expression of energy, freedom, boldness, beauty and love for life.
My paintings are executed in various media (oil and acrylic on canvas or panels, as well as wall murals indoors and out, and decorative materials). I work with a brush, palette knife, or even my hands, to express mood, movement, and the rich beauty of my subject matter.
I dwell in the moment and paint the immediate observations around me. When I paint, I am viscerally connected to my subject matter. Everything else around me fades away and I become child-like in conveying my world, enjoying the playfulness and spontaneity of pure artistic expression. Far from academic in my approach, I don’t plan, but focus rather on the colours and forms that come to me as I paint in that moment.
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