Sarah-Jean Villa

Award Nomination:



Rock Your True Inner Beauty


Singer/Songwriter/Motivation Speaker




Sarah-Jean Villa is a Randolph Academy graduate, Canadian inspirational singer, songwriter and a motivational speaker of her own show talking to youth about social issues called Rock Your True Inner Beauty. Winner of numerous awards in the community, former program coordinator of the Mississauga Arts Council, a facilitator with Interim Place and the Creative Director of "Rock Your True Inner Beauty". SJ has a full album out about her life struggles called Rebel Masquerade on i-tunes, bandcamp and Spotify. You can also check out her music video called "Guided By The Light" on youtube. SJV is currently working on her own television show, her own WAGICAL Clothing line and her second album that will be a WAGICAL theatrical experience so stay tuned for more details on her social media and website. SJV mission is to change your words, change your world, share your story and shine your light. Rock Your True Inner Beauty each and every day for the rest of your LIFE!!!


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