Vanessa Wheatle

Award Nomination:



Vanessa Wheatle Entreprises






Throughout history we have encountered

great singers, writers and musicians at certain time periods. These artists enter into our worlds and cause us to listen.

We are inspired through them and moved by what and how they sing. But then a voice comes to the scene that is unique, powerful, different and stands out. That voice brings the words of a song to life, causing us to feel so much passion. That voice is one God has anointed to touch by bringing healing and deliverance that changes us forever. In this time, such a gift has been given to us in the person of Vanessa Wheatle. A Canadian gospel singer, actress, author and Pastor who has earned the respect from world leaders, politicians and all genres across the globe. As a philanthropist she has also inspired many children around the world with giving back to orphanages, men and women behind prison and the homeless. Vanessa Wheatle is an inspiration and a hero to many.


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