Varvara Yermolaieva

Award Nomination:

Fashion and Style


Norra Creative






Varvara was born in 1995 in Ukraine. She has been interested in fashion and art since childhood and attended art classes learn more about the craft. In adolescence, her interests changed and Varvara entered the law academy. During her studies she showed her creativity and took part in charity events and was a member of the student trade union committee. After completing her studies, Varvara moved to Toronto, where she studied in a specialty in fashion management at George Brown College. During her studies, she began to take part in fashion events where she worked as a stylist.During her studies she began to take part in fashion events such as Toronto Fashion Industry to help as a stylist to prapare the models for the show and helping designers. In addition, Varvara was setting up her own projects with other fashion professionals in the Toronto fashion industry. Recently Varvara joined ‘Norra Creative’ Toronto’s fashion creative agency and been working on high end projects to develop and present Toronto’s fashion industry on the world stage.


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